EZProxy – proxy.skc.edu – Library Database Proxy

Location: Google Cloud
IP Address:
Public IP Address: NA
FQDN: directory.skc.edu
OS: Linux – Google Cloud Image
Domain: Standalone
Passwords in Secret Server: YES

Services Installed: ezproxy

Setup Information
This server runs the ezproxy instance the proxies the Libraries subscription databases. You can check out https://www.oclc.org/ezproxy.en.html for more information on EZproxy. The server console can be accessed from the Google Cloud console via ssh. Several ITS personnel have permissions to access to this instance.

The executable is located in /usr/local/ezproxy. To run issue the command sudo ./ezproxy start. To restart issue the command sudo ./ezproxy restart. The configuration is done in the config.txt file. The user accounts are managed in user.txt. This server runs without much interaction from ITS.

One Reply to “EZProxy – proxy.skc.edu – Library Database Proxy”

  • OK, I figure out what I had to do to get this running on the SKC Cloud platform. Essentially I had to recreate the VM from scratch. Not a big deal because I gzip’d the ezproxy directory form the test VM I setup and just moved it over to the SKC GCloud VM. The one key thing is that you have to have the 32-bit libraries for Linux install since the VM is a 64-bit Linux machine and ezproxy is a 32-bit application. The commands are:

    sudo dpkg –add-architecture i386
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install libc6:i386

    This SKC GCloud machine is at I will let Fred he needs to request this address as well for the databases. I also figured out you have to request a static address. That other address will change. I am not sure on reboots or when. But this 130 address is static and should not change.

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